Easter Indiscretions
NOTE: Mildly suggestive material ahead. Parents, please pre-read.
Today's cakes were sent in by a mister Seymour B.
(Ok, no they weren't, but that joke makes me snort.)

You know a Wreck is bad when calling it a "butt" is erring on the side of generosity:
(Just look at that foot angle. C'mon.)
No butts here, (except this one ->) but I think someone took "Playboy Bunny" a little too literally:

Then, when I snap my fingers, you'll want to go to the nearest tattoo parlor and get "Cake Wrecks Rocks!" inscribed somewhere really obvious on your body. Ready? Annnnd...[snapping fingers]
Hey Becca, Kelly F., Anna C., & Alison R., ever consider permanent body art? Yes? Excellent.
- Related Wreckage: An Easterly Wind is Blowing
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